April 14, 2014
I promise not to overwhelm you with pregnancy updates, but I did want to share that we now know the sex of our baby! I’m 18 weeks into our second pregnancy.
How Have I Been Feeling: Pretty great! I was very sick throughout my first trimester and didn’t have much of an online presence during those weeks, but I’m feeling wonderful now with lots of energy.
Other Symptoms: I still have a little bit of nausea here and there, but it’s nothing compared to my first trimester. Other than that, I’m having a little bit of back pain (that’s to be expected) and LOVING the baby kicks I’m getting.
We are thrilled to share that Chloe has a healthy little sister, who is growing right on track. We were wonderfully surprised to hear that we are having another girl! I can’t wait to wash all of Chloe’s clothes and buy a few new pieces for baby Charlotte — yes, our little peanut’s name will be Charlotte!
I saw this print months ago and knew it would be perfect for a girl nursery.
I am lucky enough to be friends with someone who works in the ultrasound department at our hospital. She did both of our first trimester screenings and told us the sex of our first baby. Another tech had done our anatomy scan and said she wouldn’t try to guess the sex until our friend had come into the room. he was in the middle of checking for the baby’s sex, but we had no idea what we were looking at on the screen. Making conversation, my friend said, “What does Chloe want?” and Papa Jumper said, “A sister named Charlotte or an iPad. There isn’t a brother in her in mind!” She replied, “Well, what Chloe wants, Chloe gets!”
That is such a sweet and fun gender reveal. Pretty straightforward but nonetheless exciting! 🙂